First start-up: I have connected the radiator, it shows as connected, but it does not switch on, what should I do? (led off)
Having made sure that the pairing procedure was successful, it is useful to check the status of certain app and/or device settings that may temporarily prevent the radiator from heating.
App Settings:
Summer/winter mode
In summer mode the radiator does not switch on to heat.
Switch to Winter mode: Menu - Settings - Season - Winter
Radiator Settings:
The device is 'off'. It will not respond to commands either via app or keypad.
Deactivate Standby mode: Menu - Devices - Radiator - Standby OFF
Manual change lock
If you have connected the radiator and are trying to change the temperature manually from the keypad, check that the 'manual change lock' is not active: Menu - Devices - Manual change lock OFF
The Radiator is associated with the app and connected to the internet but not associated with a room
It is important to always associate your radiator with a room. If it is not, it will not show detected information in the app, and you could not control your device via the app. It can only work in manual.
To associate the radiator to a room: Menu - Devices - Radiator - Association - Choose a room, or create a new room.